KowTown Gravel Presents FasCat Coaching as our official Training and Coaching Partner

  • Whether you are getting ready to toe the line for KowTown Gravel on July 6 or hammering the group ride with your buddies, cycling is more fun when you’re fit.

    Optimize from FasCat Coaching is your year-round training solution that includes Professional Coaching Support inside the app to help you steadily improve, month after month.

    Save 33% now on an Optimize subscription with the code KowTown24 at fascatcoaching.com

    A subscription to Optimize includes unlimited access to all of FasCat’s training plans, which have more than 1,000 five-star reviews from athletes just like you.

    The training plans fall into three phases of training:

    -Off-season training with weight lifting

    -Base training with Sweet Spot

    -Interval, event-specific training

    All the training plans scale to your available time to train, and you can move workouts around on your calendar to harmonize your cycling with your work and family life. There are ample specific workouts, but there are also fun rides scheduled into the plans. Riding bikes is about more than just staring at a bike computer, right?

    You can measure and improve your Functional Threshold Power (FTP), follow cross-training videos, get recipes and more inside Optimize.

    FasCat’s team of Coaches — all of whom are racing or have raced at the professional level — are standing by inside the Optimize app Monday through Friday to answer your training questions.

    If you have a wearable from Apple, Garmin, Wahoo or Whoop, Optimize will show your daily balance of training stress (via your power meter data) and your recovery, to keep you on track and maximize your gains.

    Optimize is your customized, tailored, year-round training solution, for a fraction of the cost of hiring a coach.

    Save 33% now on an Optimize subscription with the code KowTown24 at fascatcoaching.com.